The company recognizes the importance of development and driving the business towards sustainability for the stable growth of the company. Therefore, the company gives importance and considers the Environment, Society, and Governance in every step of the company’s business operations.

The company is committed to developing a sustainable business throughout the value chain, including conducting business with integrity and ethics, and following the guidelines for sustainable business development of the Stock Exchange of Thailand office, including various international standards, and transferring them to various operational level lines. The company has also developed a policy for sustainable management and sustainable business development in various aspects, which can be divided into 5 main processes as follows.

  1. Analyzing the context of the relationship between the business and stakeholders to determine the key sustainability issues of the organization Process
  2. Defining the organization’s sustainability policy Process
  3. Defining the organization’s sustainability strategy Process
  4. Driving sustainability into practice Process
  5. Disclosing sustainability information”

The company’s board of directors will arrange for a regular review of the sustainability management policy and sustainable business development at least once a year, or when there are significant changes, to align with the circumstances and business of the company.

“In addition, the company aims to be a good example in conducting sustainable business, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with details as follows.”

Zero Hunger
Achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. Organic farming is considered a brand value of the company. The company intends to grow and harvest every organic vegetable, ready to serve everyone, free from chemicals and pesticides. It also places importance on promoting and developing farmers in the network to turn to organic farming, in order to create a sustainable way of agriculture, society, and community.”
Good Health And Well-Being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. The company believes that organic farming is the best way to farm, and is confident in using this approach to take care of families, customers, and the environment, to be strong, healthy, and happy together for a long time.
Decent Work And Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment. The company is committed to promoting sustainable economic growth through promoting equal employment on the basis of respect for human rights, and supports employment, generating income for farmers, community members, including people with disabilities.
Responsible Consumption And Production
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment. The company is committed to promoting sustainable economic growth through promoting equal employment on the basis of respect for human rights, and supports employment, generating income for farmers, community members, including people with disabilities.